Archive for July, 2020

My FASTer Way To Fat Loss Story

Several months ago, I turned 42 and with that, it was time to renew my driver’s license. I drove on down to the DMV on a Saturday morning by myself and waited in line. This was before COVID-19 shut down everything for a while. It came to be my turn, so I handed the nice lady all of my paperwork, she took my picture, and handed me my temporary license . I glanced down at it and had to take a double take. I was shocked.  It was really the first time in my life that I felt like my outside was matching how I’d been feeling on the inside. Tired. Worn out. Puffy. Uncomfortable.

I’m not trying to tell you I realized that day that I had 30 lbs to lose. But I did decide that day that something needed to change. I was tired of feeling so poorly all the time. I was tired of not feeling comfortable in my clothes. I was tired of not having energy. I was tired of feeling like I had to “muster it up” all the time, rather than just already feeling excited about life. I wanted more. I know that God wants me to live life to the full, and to make a kingdom impact for Him. And to do that more effectively, I needed to start taking better care of myself.

So I began researching and found the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. I read all about it, and thought this was something I could actually do. It didn’t say I would be hungry and on a restrictive diet. It didn’t say I would do 2 hours of cardio everyday. If it had said either of those things, it would not be sustainable for me. So I decided to give FWTFL a shot.

FASTer Way teaches how to properly fuel our bodies so that they function optimally. FASTer Way pairs the right foods with the right exercises, and it is EFFECTIVE. FASTer Way utilizes intermittent fasting, carb cycling, personalized macro tracking, and effective, short workouts to help people THRIVE and get RESULTS.

After my 6 week round, I lost 7 inches and could wear clothes I had not worn in years. I lost 7 lbs (although they tell us not to weigh, I was just curious so I did).  What I GAINED was so much more than that though.  I feel more happy, healthy, confident, and energetic,  than I have ever before.

I have to mention too that I did all this by eating MORE and exercising LESS than I ever have in my life!

I would love to help you live your best life.  Trust me. You are worth the investment!!!
Much love,


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